
Engagement and Educational Tools

Engagement and Educational Tools

Leading WP7 in the AEQUITAS Project: Conversations with Paul Lemmens

Paul Lemmens, Philips Innovation and Strategy

In this episode of AEQUITAS Voices, we speak with Paul Lemmens from Philips Innovation and...

Engagement and Educational Tools

Leading WP3 in the AEQUITAS Project: Conversations with Lili Jiang

Lili Jiang, Department of Computing Science at Umeå University

In today’s AEQUITAS Voices episode, we speak with Lili Jiang from the Department of Computing...

Engagement and Educational Tools

Strengths, Goals, and Future Impact

Roberta Calegari, Professor of AI at the University of Bologna

Welcome to another episode of AEQUITAS Voices! Roberta Calegari, Professor of AI at the University...

Engagement and Educational Tools

Social, Ethical and Legal AI-Fairness Methodologies


This AEQUITAS infographic is based on research conducted for the AEQUITAS Deliverable 6.3, titled ““Preliminary...

Engagement and Educational Tools

Social, Ethical and Legal Landscapes of AI-Fairness


This AEQUITAS infographic is based on research conducted for the AEQUITAS Deliverable 6.1, titled “Preliminary...

Engagement and Educational Tools

Fair-by-design Sociological, Legal Methodologies


Our first AEQUITAS infographic is based on research conducted for the AEQUITAS Deliverable 5.1, titled “Fair-by-design...

Engagement and Educational Tools

Trustworthy AI for All: Ensuring Inclusiveness and Fairness

4th European AI Alliance Assembly - Giulia Sudano

Engagement and Educational Tools

Future of Trustworthy AI in Europe

AI Data, Robotics Forum - Roberta Calegari

Engagement and Educational Tools

First AEQUITAS Workshop on Fairness and Bias in AI

26th European Conference on Artifical Intelligence - ECAI 2023

Engagement and Educational Tools

AEQUITAS in the SDGs landscape

Bologna Business School - Roberta Calegari, Catelijne Muller