
Laura Sartori


NEWS 31-01-2024

AEQUITAS project launches survey to investigate AI-driven discrimination

The survey is part of the Horizon Europe project, AEQUITAS, aimed at studying cases of discrimination and exclusion due to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in the workplace, health, and education.

For this groundbreaking project, the year of 2024 started with an important milestone, the consortium is conducting an innovative study that aims to investigate the AI algorithmic discrimination in the world of work in a comparative way at a European level.

This survey represents a significant effort to understand and map the cases in which workers have seen themselves discriminated against, i.e. excluded, and not selected, due to the use of AI systems based on personal characteristics. For example, when a company uses automatic systems for reading CVs, there may be cases of exclusion from the list of those called for an interview. This way we can gather information regarding the concerns, perception, and personal experiences with AI systems.

The survey is part of a research that involves two phases: The first phase takes place through this anonymous questionnaire and is aimed at mapping knowledge related to AI and cases of discrimination through AI systems. The second phase (scheduled for April 2024) includes qualitative tools (such as the focus group and the participatory workshop) in which we will delve deeper into the problems brought by AI in selection and human resources processes.

We invite individuals across Europe and the world to participate in this important initiative, that will allow a comparative study of the algorithmic discrimination in the European work environment, contributing significantly to the broader discourse on AI ethics and fairness. The findings are expected to not only shape the future of AI policy but also foster a more equitable and inclusive approach to AI implementation in key societal sector.

Do not miss the opportunity to contribute to this European initiative and share your experience by participating in the survey through the following link!


Laura Sartori


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